Registration Fee


Registration Fee

The conference full registration fee includes participation in the program, lunch/coffee breaks conference badge, conference bag, conference programme, conference proceeding certificate, an invoice of the registration fee. Please check detailed information about registration fee bellow and make a registration online.


AuthorsEuro 280.00
Authors II (without publication)Euro 250.00
Co-authorsEuro 250.00
Young ResearchersEuro 250.00
Young Researcher II (without publication)Euro 200.00
Additional SubmissionEuro 80.00
Participants (students and others) – Non-presenterEuro 180.00
Accompanying PersonEuro 100.00
Virtual PresenterEuro 120.00
Workshop Organizer*Euro 120.00
Special Session Organizer*Euro 120.00
Registration for PublicationEuro 100.00

*Workshop/session organizer will be granted 50 % discount fee (if there are at least 10 registration in their workshop/session for 1 workshop organizer and 15 registration for 2 workshop/session organizer) etc


AuthorsEuro 350.00
Authors II (without publication)Euro 300.00
Co-authorsEuro 300.00
Young ResearchersEuro 300.00
Young Researcher II (without publication)Euro 250.00
Additional SubmissionEuro 100.00
Participants (students and others) – Non-presenterEuro 200.00
Accompanying PersonEuro 150.00
Virtual PresenterEuro 150.00
Workshop OrganizerEuro 200.00
Special session OrganizerEuro 200.00
Registration for PublicationEuro 150.00


Authors/Co-authorsEuro 350.00
Participants (students and others) – Non-presenterEuro 200.00
Accompanying PersonEuro 150.00

Authors/Co-authors/Young researchers Registration Fee Includes:

Participation in the Program

Lunch/Coffee breaks

Conference Badge

Conference bag

Conference programme

Conference proceeding


Free Post-conference Tour

An invoice of the registration fee

Workshop organizer/ Special session organizer fee includes:

Participation in the Program

Membership of the conference scientific committee

Special Certificate as workshop/session chair

Lunch/Coffee breaks

Conference Badge

Conference bag

Conference programme

Conference proceeding

An invoice of the registration fee

Participants Registration Fee Includes:

Participation in the Program

Conference Badge


Accompanying persons Registration Fee Includes:

Opening & Closing Session

Access to the Conference Rooms

An invoice of the registration fee

Virtual Registration Fees Includes:

Online presenting of paper;

Conference proceeding

Conference materials

An Author certificate

An invoice of the registration fee will be sent

Upload to the conference YouTube Channel

Registration for Publication Fee Includes:

Electronic Conference Proceedings

Electronic Conference Programme

An invoice of the registration fee


The first author in the paper pays a full registration fee, while the second and subsequent pays a “Co-Author” fee. If the first author is not able to attend the conference, the second author or subsequent author has to pay a full registration fee (not “Co-Author” fee).

In a paper with more than one author, both authors cannot register as “Co-Authors”.

A Co-Author cannot and should not register as an “Accompanying person (without bag)”.

An “Accompanying person” does not submit or be part of the Co-Authors of a paper.

A Participant is an attendee that does not submit or present a paper, but attends sessions.

Authors II (without publication) – is a person who submitted a paper for presentation at the conference, will attend the conference and present the paper, but do not need publication of paper in the conference proceedings or journal.

Young researchers are doctors, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers or young faculty members under 35 years of age. To be considered for this category, please attach a proof of identity, such as a copy of an ID card or passport, that clearly indicates your birth date. 

Young Researcher II (without publication) – is a person who submitted a paper for presentation at the conference, will attend the conference and present the paper, but do not need publication of paper in the conference proceedings or journal.

Virtual presenter – not attending author who is not able to attend the IACSS in person and can register as a “virtual presenter”.

Participants (Non-presenter) – Participants without paper presentation.

Workshop organizer is a person who submitted a workshop proposal and registered as an organizer of the workshop. All other members of workshop have to select relevant conference fee and register individually.

Special session organizer – is a person who submitted a special session proposal and registered as an organizer of the session. All other members of the special session have to select relevant conference fee and register individually.

Registration for Publication – is submission of restricted number of papers for publication in the conference proceedings if authors are not able to attend the conference or make a virtual presentation. 

Cancellation Policy


  1. Any cancellation after conference registration will take 50% of registration fee as administrative charges.
  2. No cancellation will be allowed after the 10th of July 2023.