Full Paper Submission


Authors of accepted abstracts should submit a paper in English formatted as defined bellow.

Correct Formatting

Please click here to see a Guidelines for Manuscripts for correct formatting and font use. Submit the paper in a “Microsoft Word Document”. Please do not use header, footer and page numbers in process of formatting your paper.

The size, length of paper could not be more than 15000 words.

Note: Authors of selected papers could be asked to correct a format of the paper before publication in conference proceedings.

Format of Presentations

Paper sessions will consist of four or five presentations in a 90 minute session. You are expected to present your paper within 20 minutes including question time. The session will be divided equally between the presenters. Each presenter will be expected to have the presentation slides in Microsoft Power Point saved in USB.

Please send your formatted full paper at info@socscienceconf.com 

Please mention “Your Name_IACSS Full Paper” in email subject.