Call for Sessions


Call for Sessions

IACSS is receiving proposals for sessions to be held during with the main conference. If you are interested to participate in the event and invite a group of researchers on a topic you consider relevant to IACSS, you can consider submitting a session proposal to IACSS. IACSS sessions aim to provide opportunities for exchanging ideas, and discussing preliminary results in various areas of Social Science research.

Session Proposals

Session proposals must be no more than 4 pages in length and must be prepared according to the IACSS Format and Submission Guidelines. Each proposal should address at least the following issues:

  1. Contact details of the organizers and identification of the main contact person.
  2. A brief (max 200 words) abstract of the goals;
  3. The theme, goals, and topics of the session, confirmation of its relevance to IACSS;
  4. The session format, including length (1 or 2 days);
  5. The paper selection procedure, including the types of papers permitted, the dates for submission and notification of acceptance, names of program committee members.
  6. Number of expected participants and selection process. Please indicate whether the session will be open or closed.
  7. Explaining how the session results are expected to be used.
  8. A brief CV of each organizer, including past experience in session organization.


We suggest you to communicate the topic of your session conference organizer by e-mail at as early as possible. Please convert your session proposal in pdf and upload with submission system bellow.

Session Proposal Selection process

The criteria for judging the quality of session proposals are as follows:

Sessions cover topics falling in the general scope of the IACSS;

Sessions are intended to be genuine interactive events and not mini-conferences.

We welcome sessions with creative structures that includes various types of contributions

Sessions should have a clear focus on a specific issue in field of Social Sciences;

There is expected that a significant community would be interested in the session’s topic;

Session duration can be half a day or a full day;

Significant number of participants of session intended to be of young researchers

Organizer of session could be one person, but we advise having no more than three organizer of session preferably from different institutions;

Please note that organizing of a session is based on the overall number of submissions received. Sessions that receive less than 5 submissions or have less than 6 people registered at the early registration deadline might be canceled.

The organizers of accepted sessions will be responsible for their own reviewing process, but all information (timelines and call for papers) about session will be published on the conference website by organizer. Papers accepted by session organizers will be published in the conference proceedings and considered for publication journals offered by conference organizer. Session organizers are required to closely cooperate with the IACSS organizers to finalize all organizational details. Session attendees must pay the IACSS registration fee as normally pay participants of the IACSS.

Responsibilities of the session organizers

The session organizers are responsible for:

  • Creating and distributing a call-for-papers, call-for-participation and any other relevant advertising. The calls should make it clear that at least one author of any accepted paper must attend the event and that papers will be withdrawn if no such participation is secured with the payment of the session dues. The call should clearly describe the review and selection process. Finally, the calls must be framed to encourage as broad a participation as possible.
  • Creating and publishing (in a timely manner) a web site with all the relevant information pertaining to the session.
  •  Provide an extended abstract for the conference program
  •  Review and select paper submissions
  •  Collect camera-ready versions of the papers and their copyright forms
  •  Schedule the presentations within the session attend and coordinate their session
  • Accommodation or travel expenses for the session organizers or their invited speakers are responsible of session organizers. Conference organizer will help to session organizer to find accommodation at the conference venue.

 Responsibilities of the Organizing Committee

 The conference organization is responsible for:

  •   Provide publicity for the session program
  •   Management of registration for participants
  •   Coordinate the allocation of time blocks for each session
  •  Provide support for publishing of papers

 Benefits for Session Organizers

  •  Free meeting room, coffee breaks, Lunch for registered participants
  •  Free conference technical equipment;
  •  Publish conference papers presented at the session in the conference proceedings
  • Preparing a session webpage (linked to the official IACSS website) containing the call for papers and detailed information about the session organization and timelines by conference organizer.
  •  Providing full conference package included in the conference fee
  •  Providing support to obtain an ISBN number
  •  Membership of the conference scientific committee
  •  Special Certificate as session chair
  • 50 % discount conference registration fee if in their session there are at least 10 registrations for 1 workshop’s Organizer, 15 registrations for 2 session’s organizer, etc

Session papers will not be included in the same volume as the IACSS conference proceedings or will be considered publication of separate volume with session organizers.